Jake Light had an exciting journey traversing the landscapes of spirituality through all religions, ultimately discovering that everything comes from the same One Source. He discovered in a young age that he had lot of familiarity with Vedic teachings and eventually learnt that all the deep wisdom is there within each of us, cultivated through many lifetimes. After having walked the path of Kundalini Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raj Yoga, he finally was led to the Gyana Yoga (path of wisdom). This deep wisdom took him beyond the path beyond all paths, which he terms as the 'pathless path'. He today shares with the world the enlightening revelations of the path and where it finally leads everyone to. Determined to bring crystal clear clarity of the whole journey of a seeker, he finds various ways to deliver this to keen seekers.
Awareness is not Mindfulness | Then what exactly is Awareness?
In Shifting Into Awareness, we understand what is Awareness. Here, awareness is not mindfulness. You are awareness. You are consciousness that is aware. In this video, we go into the Source of all truths. This is from one of the free Zoom sessions offered to the members of SIA.
To join – shiftingintoawareness.com/join
RegisterARUNACHALA RESIDENTIAL RETREAT ~ Tiruvannamalai (Nov 2024)
Date : Dates and other details will be intimated directly if application is approved.
Time : 6:00 am – 5:00 pm IST
Venue : Tiruvannamalai
If approved full details, date, timings, contribution, etc will be sent to you personally. Please read full details by scrolling down.Category: Retreats
THE BASIC THEME OF SHIFTING INTO AWARENESS ~ the phases of a seeker of liberation
One begins living less in body consciousness & more in divine presence
- To begin living in awareness
- Benefit of the power of Satsang to keep you persistent
- Purging, releasing & cleansing the inner-core
- Breakdown of all beliefs, concepts, conditioning
- Begin living as not the body, but divine presence
- Begin the process of knowing who you are
- Meditate on deeper wisdom of higher scriptures
- Learn the highest wisdom & reflect on it
- Annihilating all doership, living in total divine flow
- Nothing to Do but Abide in the Self
By this, the main goal is to finally realise that “I am moving around in this human suit, having a human experience for the time being.”
COURSES ~ Scriptures
Upadesa Saram & Self Inquiry (English)
$30.00 Register -
Devikallotara (English)
$15.00 RegisterDevikallotara (English)
The Supreme wisdom bestowed upon Shakti by Shiva, when Shakti asks Shiva for the highest wisdom. Shakti asks, “O Lord of all celestial beings! I yearn to know that path of supreme wisdom and the code of conduct by adopting which one can get liberation, so that all humanity may attain salvation — I request you to enlighten me on them, out of your grace.”
Categories: Courses, COURSES ~ Scriptures$15.00 -
Chidakasha Gita (Hindi)
$15.00 Register -
Avadhoota Gita (English)
$20.00 RegisterAvadhoota Gita (English)
Avadhuta Gita means the song of the Avadhuta, an ascetic who has renounced all worldly attachments and connections, one who has attained the Self-realisation. This book is a compilation of his utterances. The Avadhuta’s message is for those who have a strong desire for liberation from sorrow. This Gita, containing 288 verses in 8 chapters, is a spontaneous outpouring of the Truth Divine in the most eloquent language flowing out in its perfections from the divine lips of the Avadhuta..
We spent 19 days, each day meditating 3 hours, verse by verse followed by a 6- hour event “Meditate on Guru Tatva” which was based on the Avadhuta Gita. This course has all these video
Categories: Courses, COURSES ~ Scriptures$20.00 -
Avadhoota Gita (Hindi)
$15.00 RegisterAvadhoota Gita (Hindi)
who has renounced all worldly attachments and connections, one who has
Categories: Courses, COURSES ~ Scriptures$15.00 -
Chidakasha Gita (English)
$15.00 Register -
$15.00 RegisterDEVIKALOTTARA (Hindi)
काल ज्ञान ~ शिव द्वारा शक्ति को दिया गया सर्वोच्च ज्ञान, जब शक्ति शिव से सर्वोच्च ज्ञान मांगती है।
Categories: Courses, COURSES ~ Scriptures$15.00 -
Sarva Jnanottara (English)
$20.00 RegisterSarva Jnanottara (English)
. It is through Kartikeya, the son (light) that we reach Shiva, the father (consciousness). On a macrocosm level, we can say the Self is Shiva nd the light of awareness is the Skanda.So, t
Categories: Courses, COURSES ~ Scriptures$20.00 -
Yoga Vashist (English)
$20.00 RegisterYoga Vashist (English)
We meditated on these verses 3 hours everyday for 10 days, and on the 11th day, we frd practiced how to LIVE IN OUR DIVINE PRESENCE and then learn to MEDITATE ON SELF.
Categories: Courses, COURSES ~ Scriptures$20.00