Avadhoota Gita (English)


Avadhuta Gita means the song of the Avadhuta, an ascetic who has renounced all worldly attachments and connections, one who has attained the Self-realisation. This book is a compilation of his utterances. The Avadhuta’s message is for those who have a strong desire for liberation from sorrow. This Gita, containing 288 verses in 8 chapters, is a spontaneous outpouring of the Truth Divine in the most eloquent language flowing out in its perfections from the divine lips of the Avadhuta..

We spent 19 days, each day meditating 3 hours, verse by verse followed by a 6- hour event “Meditate on Guru Tatva” which was based on the Avadhuta Gita. This course has all these video


Avadhuta Gita means the song of the Avadhuta, an ascetic who has renounced all worldly attachments and connections, one who has attained the Self-realisation. This book is a compilation of his utterances. The Avadhuta’s message is for those who have a strong desire for liberation from sorrow. This Gita, containing 288 verses in 8 chapters, is a spontaneous outpouring of the Truth Divine in the most eloquent language flowing out in its perfections from the divine lips of the Avadhuta..

We spent 19 days, each day meditating 3 hours, verse by verse followed by a 6- hour event “Meditate on Guru Tatva” which was based on the Avadhuta Gita. This course has all these videos.