It is true that as a human being we have qualities of compassion and the urge to help the creation which is the most beautiful quality given by the Creator. But, in order to help, we must first be filled in with the quality we wish to give. We must behold it first to give it to others. We are the cup placed in the creation of the Creator. The cup MUST be filled first to overflow and reach into the creation. To give anything out, be it love, hatred, peace, joy, fear, etc, i must first hold that quality fully, only then i can reach out to others. If i wish to give love, it cannot reach others until i am full with it and likewise if i wish to give fear and hatred to others, i cannot be giving it until i am myself first filled with it. So, to help others, i must help myself first.

Working on oneself first is what my master always taught. All are concerns of the world cannot be dealt with in the same coin. His teachings never teach eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Hatred cannot be dealt with hatred. Crime cannot be dealt by day and night focusing about crime. Our vibrations matter. What we think and worry vibrates and sends out similar vibrations out into the Universe that only ends up adding to the misery. Whenever someone approaches Him with a problem, illness, or anything that is overwhelming for the person, He asks the same question untiringly, “What is it that you want?”…. meaning focusing on what you want and not focusing on what you don’t want. He says for disease, focus on health; for hatred focus on love, which is a prayer in itself that will send vibrations of this energy to counter-act with the negative energy. This is what healing is all about. If i focus on the ugliness of something i am no less responsible than being another additional cause to that ugliness.

Mother Theresa, one of the greatest Messiahs of peace, unconditional love and selfless service, was invited to join for the a rally against war. Now, this looks very meaningful and purposeful to have a messiah of peace to fight violence, and it must have seemed to be the need of the hour. Mother’s calm and prompt reply was, “I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.” Her work shows the overwhelming success she achieved in what she wanted to do. She was very clear with her “What is it that you want?” question. So are all the Masters of peace and love. Very clear with this principle of focusing on what they want. They have achieved a lot in it but unfortunately most of it goes unnoticed. But for one to becoming that way or seeing things that way may be very difficult, especially in testing times and in times where there is so much of confusion, doubts, fear and many question marks. Why is it that some are able to focus clearly on the good aspects or opposite qualities of the negative and why is it that some though knowing about it is unable to do anything about it and end up in focusing and unknowingly fueling the negative state?

One word -impurities. Impurities within oneself to stay focused. To cleanse it means to purify it and that comes from inner cleansing through tapas, sadhna, meditation or anything that does it… meaning cleaning my own cup. Only when i can clean my cup will i be able to fill. Only when i fill myself to the brim can i overflow with what i am filled with and be able to overflow it to others. Only then, will my help be of use. Otherwise, it is like… i am penniless and i wish to do charity for the poor. The “charity to the poor” might sound a clean word and even justifying to my purpose of moving towards that good action, but ignorantly i will be nothing more than miserable because i want to genuinely help the poor but i am not able to. Then i get frustrated, confused, angry and begin blaming everything around me. i would blame the government, the system and even if more miserable end up blaming God. In the process, i have only unknowingly added to the world’s poverty.
By crying out rape, murder, war, injustice…. i only end up sending similar negative waves into the already jumbled energy patterns. Bringing awareness of what is happening around is surely a need but it must always be done without letting of the focus of what outcome you desire. This can be very easily seen with the results that it brings whenever the newspapers or social media platforms put out the negative words to the world. It is always noted that immediately there will be a rise in similar crimes. The more the group ‘effort’ to curb it in that wrong way, the more similar crimes are seen to rise. This can influence anyone who is repeatedly being exposed other’s opinions about others. When you repeatedly become exposed to any negative stimuli from outside, you unknowingly start absorbing it and making it a living truth for you. What i had written just a few days about “Any lie can become your truth“.

This is where workers of light make a difference. This is how the great holy Siddha’s over all the eras contributed to raising the human consciousness. Silently, from behind the scene.
The world might not even know what kind of deadly disasters and afflictions awaiting humans have been averted due to the compassion of these great souls due to their selfless work, healing and prayers, but it matters nothing for them and they always have been and always will be doing their work in silence. If one wants to work for the noble causes of the Siddha tradition and the Ascended Masters, it will always be in silence. Silence is not weakness. Silence is power because the mind is now more focused on what it wants without unwanted distractions. Silence also is working behind the scene which comes out of selflessness. My master has often mentioned that when one becomes selfless, nature blesses that person abundantly and prayers and healing are quicker because there is no selfish agendas in it. Moreover, there are unwanted debates, arguments, conflicts and other distractions which can stagger the focused mind. Again, to have a focused mind, it would need sadhna or austerities. If that is still not achieved then one should quietly focus on self-cleansing. Working on the self first. If i am getting disturbed and distressed and depressed it is because of my own dirt. So, first step is to clean that and become the vessel to hold, fill and overflow. Until that filling happens, it should be only working my very own self. That is what is meant by “God helps those who help themselves.” By helping ourselves, we are helping humanity in ways beyond our understanding!
So as a student of life if i ask myself what can i do to the situations around me, i would say as a learner that till i master my energies and life, i would not want to focus on the outside but focus more to the inside. So, focus again turns inward to master that and avoid anything and everything distracting… be it visual, audio, text, gossip, that only fuels my negativeness and thus bringing down my own consciousness. It’s like what my Master says – walking two steps forward and taking three steps backward.

So the ultimate solution to anything and everything we don’t like or even the causes we like to help, the solution begins by helping ourselves first. Once, our cups are filled, we can distribute all that was filled and overflowing and in the process of distributing, never become devoid of it. If we move around with empty cups to fill other cups, we only end up pouring what we have and then left with nothing to be only more miserable, but If i myself have no energies in me how can i raise someone’s energies? If i myself have unwanted karma to work on, how can i help someone with their karmas. It may satisfy the ego that i have done something for someone or am doing something for others, but in the process i am only hurting myself. At such times, it is important to practice what my teacher taught – the drustha bhaav or the witnessing attitude. Just witnessing the various episodes of life happening throughout the world without jumping into it, judging, and worrying and reacting to them. When this is done it will give us an astonishing revelation that “everything is not in my hands” and that “the creation does not function according to my will”. If one fails to do this, one will notice that after all the chaos and adverse energies and thoughts that the mind creates, in the end one only remains agitated, frustrated and depressed. Thus, as students this is very important to know it is always first my dirty cup, my unfilled cup. Until then, let those who have mastered their energies handle it wisely, while we dedicate ourselves to self-perfection and self-purification. This act tremendously helps the Masters we are connected to. First by being a student. First, self-mastery. It is only then one can be at peace, grow, master oneself, and even be of great help in helping humanity. Amen.
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