After few splendid days in Karad with the wonderful ShivYog Sewa team of Karad, Mumbai and Pune, and after a drive from Karad to Pune and halting the night at Pune, returned back to few moments of reading and aloofness in my train compartment. Along with my ShivYog colleagues, Parmesh ji and Mannu, this time two wonderful things happened that made my journey worthwhile.

My journeys have always been beautiful in some or the other way and this time, with the will of the Providence, i had another good co-incidence of meeting two Christians in our row of seats. One a beautiful soul who was a Christian lady married to a Sikh and another was an elderly uncle who was also a Christian. We three were strangers to each other, but not for long. Uncle sat with a very serious look. He was sick due to his tummy being upset and had cold, and i watched him sit in silence for a long time. Breaking the silence, me and Mannu asked if he had food, as we prepared to eat ours. He said he did not want to eat because morning he had eaten a vada and since then his tummy has been upset. He was sure it was the oil. We advised him to have some fruits atleast and on searching our bags, found a few oranges and apples that the ShivYog Karad team had given us. These were the fruits that were kept on the altar on the stage of the shivir from where Babaji took the shivir. Uncle agreed to have only orange that we quickly offered him, not wanting him to stay with an empty stomach. After he ate, one of us, made a berth ready for him so that he could rest. Ill that he looked, he quickly curled up and fell fast asleep. Our flutist musician was also with us, who entertained everyone with his magical tunes, but that never disturbed Uncle even a bit and he snored. It was evening when Uncle woke up and sat and we pushed back his berth. The pantry car guy brought around food but Uncle feared to eat, still feeling uneasy and fearing the pantry car food quality, but we asked him to have the food and he quietly did. Then after that uncle went back to his rest. Another uncle from Kanpur who was sitting in front of us began talking. The Christian lady from Chandigarh who was watching all this also began talking. We three conversed about the good things of life while Mannu, our flutist joked and kidded in his childish ways, and we all had roars of laughter nonstop for hours until we finally decided to sleep at 10 pm. i had a very, very hearty laugh the whole day.
We had not eaten too, not very keen on the pantry car food, but at that moment the Christian lady made bread, jam and cheese lovingly and offered us, which i accepted ate, something which i never do, probably a deal of karmic encounter that not only made these people seem like we were never strangers, but also a deep sense of knowing. Impressed with the wonderful time, they began enquiring who were we and we told them whose children we were 🙂
The lady till now was assuming i am a Hindu but was surprised to know i was a Christian by birth. She was not believing because of our activities and talks that looked so Hinduish, according to her. She was only convinced when i began speaking about Christ and the Bible. i shared with her how i interpreted the Bible and how i loved and was inspired by the life and teachings of Christ. I even shared with her how my Guru taught Universal love and oneness. I spoke to her about the Book of Genesis of Bible, in which is mentioned about how God created the Universes with the utterance of “Let there be light” and how each of the 7 days (deep link with 7 chakras, 7 dimensions, etc) were put to creation of difference levels of life.
i recollected how, very surprisingly, Babaji had just briefed exactly the same topic on Bible to me just yesterday, after the shivir while i was with Him. Now, speaking the very same topic today to the curious lady, i knew, was not a co-incidence at all, for nothing is. She was very happy and convinced to hear these things and before we all switched off the lights to sleep, she had a request, “Before we part ways by tomorrow afternoon, i also want to learn meditation tomorrow morning at 8 am. Would you help me?” i most happily agreed and next morning i noticed that at the scheduled time of 8 am, she reminded me of the promise. I went and sat in front of her. Before beginning, she excused herself for a moment and i saw her picking up the phone and texting someone something. She said she has some concerns for her family and wants to pray for them also. Then we sat in front of each other and we meditated together. i guided her into one of the meditation of the Holy Spirit i used to teach my students years back. But silently invoking my Gurudev, we continued. For about an hour, it was all quiet. After close to an hour of healing and meditation, we finished. i looked at her and she was still with her eyes closed, probably enjoying. i waited. She then opened her eyes and told me excitedly about the wonderful experiences and the spontaneous healing that took place in her. Just then her cell phone beeped and she reading the message was super-excited. She told me that before the meditation she had texted her daughter saying that she was going to pray for her and to just be in prayer-mode. She told me that her teenage daughter never believed in things like meditation, so she had only told that she would pray for her. She exclaimed that she just received an SMS from her daughter that read “I just can’t express what I felt and experienced!” The Mother told me that while we were doing the practice, she had already involved her daughter and her husband in her mind, witnessing the circle of the whole lot of guardian angels and Ascended Masters along with Christ. i then explained to her how the invocation process is really and important one and how i had invoked my Guru before the process, stating how our Guru never fails to be present wherever He is invoked.
She silently heard it all. She was very glad that she had learnt all this without the necessity to change faiths or religion. She was very thankful telling that this is what she had been seeking for a long time without conditions of any sort. She promised that she would be doing this meditation every single day.

At that moment, we noticed Uncle had been listening to our conversation and smiling. He revealed that he was a Christian too! Then, he said, “There was something in that orange. I cannot explain what but after i ate it and slept, my illness just vanished and i even ate my dinner and i feel so well! More than that, let me tell you, yesterday was the first day of my life that i ever laughed so much, never have i laughed like this in my entire life.” i told him that the orange he ate was not an ordinary one, because it came from the very stage that my Gurudev sat and sermoned and healed thousands of farmers. So, naturally it was a prasad from Him itself. He wondered about that when i showed him a picture of Baba, he was surprised to recognize Baba as he said he had watched Him several times on TV. Now knowing that the fruit came from Him, he began offering his gratitude to Baba, saying that “Unhone mere liye bhej hi diya.” (He did it finally to me). i reminded him saying that more than it coming to him, it was His bhaav that brought it to Him, which he totally agreed with a wide toothless-smile. He then curiously asked me how could we yesterday introduce ourselves as his children when he said he knew that Baba had a son, whom also he had watched on TV. i laughed and told him that we were meaning to be His spiritual children.
Being amazed, again, at this journey, with souls that were destined to meet on this journey of life, we bid each other goodbye. Meeting two Christians this time in the journey, that too from different places, and that too with an opportunity to share the love and light of God and my Gurudev, was an extraordinary experience. It feels so good, when i get the opportunity to share these live experiences only with the hope that we be inspired to know that there is no Christian and no Hindu and no blah-blah-blah, just pure souls, that are deeply connected to each other. What a joy when we get opportunities like this that spark that truth, when the light from those sparks often illuminate to reveal the hidden truth of who we are…. pure light!
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