This article is about one’s struggle with fear, insecurities, guilt, turmoil, unhappiness, regrets and restlessness over daily issues with what we call life. If you are honest enough to accept things with not others but with your own self, then this is for you – read on.. If not youContinue Reading

mments. Symptoms of Ascension: The advice given for many of the symptoms is gathered from various sources (books on traditional spiritual practices as well as channeled information) and may not reflect my own personal experience. As with anything, use discernment: if it’s useful, fine; if not, ignore it. We allContinue Reading

Type 2012 in google search and you will be awed at the responses that the search engine lists. Read through the articles or sites and you will know that people are talking heavily about the earth’s doom or destruction of the world or the judgement day scheduled on December 21,Continue Reading

August 8th (08/08) is the day that has been considered a date of great spiritual significance for thousands of years. On this year, every year, a cosmic alignment happens when the Sun comes in alignment with the spiritual star Sirius.  The star Sirius is the second brightest star in theContinue Reading

इक लम्बी सफर ज़िन्दगी का चलते आए हमन जाने कितने गीत, सुख–दुःख के, गाते आए हमरिश्ते जैसे भी मिले कर्मानुसार, निभाते आए हमबिगड़े बिखरे ज़िन्दगियों को सवारते आए हम ज़ेहन–ओ–दिल की बाते, हमेशा दिल से बताते आए हमसुर्खियों में या एकांत में, सब कुछ जताते आए हमकभी धुन अपनी, कभीContinue Reading