August 8th (08/08) is the day that has been considered a date of great spiritual significance for thousands of years. On this year, every year, a cosmic alignment happens when the Sun comes in alignment with the spiritual star Sirius.  The star Sirius is the second brightest star in the sky next to the Sun and is also referred to as the “Spiritual Sun”. Sirius is the most shining star in the sky: it is twenty to forty times brighter than our Sun. Also known as Alpha Canis Majoris or the Dog Star, it is a Fixed Star: this means it does not move. Sirius had a huge importance in Ancient Egyptian Astronomy and Astrology. All Egyptian temples were built according to their alignment with the stars and in fact, during the Lion’s Gate, the Orion Belt forms an exact alignment with Giza Pyramids.

This influential time period is known as “Lion’s Gate” and has been utilised well for thousands of years for higher beings in the field of spirituality.  The Lion’s Gate opens every year around July 26 and stays open until about August 12 – reaching its peak on August 8, activating a tremendous amount of star power energy.  This is the point where the Earth’s in alignment with the Galatic Center of the Universe. This allows the powerful portal to be in play for an energetic acceleration for our awakening. Great time period for love and abundance. It’s believed that the lion’s gate portal is “open” for several weeks, so we all have a little extra time to connect with it.

Increased waves of light and codes of awakened consciousness are streaming onto the planet now, through the Sun and directly from Spirit. This increased light, and accelerated ascension energy is causing huge life altering changes to unfold in one way or another for just about everyone now.

The infinity symbol is an 8 on its side, representing limitless power and infinite immortality. It’s a symbol that flows forever without end. It encompasses going in and out and continuous cycles within cycles. Symbol 8 holds the same shape as our DNA structure and stores codes that we can access, especially at times like Lion’s Gate opening. 8 is the energy of empowerment, and supports efforts and intentions that manifest in the material world. Its power resides in its ability for manifestation on every level, so when an 8 shows up, it’s offering assistance to rapidly manifest whatever it’s directed toward; kind of like a laser. The 8 amplifies anything it is focused on! This is a powerful time for manifestation, a time to trust, continue your love vibration, release fear and uncertainty, try to stay focused on what you want whilst remembering we are spiritual beings in human bodies. There will be many shifts and changes which are all serving to align you with your spiritual truth and soul power, in doing so this will bring you increased opportunities, possibilities, love and joy.

Why the name Lion? This portal is called the Lion’s Gate Portal due to the Sun being in the sign of Leo. Leo, of course, is symbolised by the lion and embodies the animal’s courageous and noble energy.

Leo is a fixed fire sign that infuses everything with fortified and resilient life force. Leo rules the heart, teaching us to lead from the heart, motivate from the heart, and live from the heart. Its ruling planet is the Sun, the center of our solar system. Leo and the Sun are both archetypes of self-importance and self-centeredness, but in perfect proportion with the rest of creation. The Sun sustains life as we know it. It’s the God of Light who faithfully rises every morning and it represents the spirit-center in each of us. The Lion’s Gate beckons us to enter a new dimension of living where our brilliance and the brilliance of all other beings can rise, be seen, shared, and fully received. If we’re open and have the courage to cross the threshold, the Lion’s Gate will pull us into Divine alignment, from which our true power can be accessed and used in all the ways we were created to shine.

Leo is a fixed fire sign that infuses everything with fortified and resilient life force. Leo rules the heart, teaching us to lead from the heart, motivate from the heart, and live from the heart. Its ruling planet is the Sun, the center of our solar system. Leo and the Sun are both archetypes of self-importance and self-centeredness, but in perfect proportion with the rest of creation. The Sun sustains life as we know it. It’s the God of Light who faithfully rises every morning and it represents the spirit-center in each of us. The Lion’s Gate beckons us to enter a new dimension of living where our brilliance and the brilliance of all other beings can rise, be seen, shared, and fully received. If we’re open and have the courage to cross the threshold, the Lion’s Gate will pull us into Divine alignment, from which our true power can be accessed and used in all the ways we were created to shine.

This is a great shift period. At this time, many are afraid to leave their comfy jobs to follow their passions. Some believe the false, limiting thought that they aren’t going to be able to afford the life they’ve always wanted to create if they follow their hearts. Best time to release your limiting beliefs about money and seek to open your heart to your deepest passions.  This is a time period well for those who are manifesting success and bent on turning your dreams into reality. So, if you’re into setting intentions or connecting with cosmic energy, you don’t want to sleep on the opportunity. Meditate! Be in awareness of your thoughts and beliefs.

Sirius is a star of legends, known for bestowing wealth, honor, devotion, passion, and powerful creative talent. In ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius was directly associated with the rising of the Nile River, which would nourish the land and crops, sustaining life. Lion’s Gate is a portal for accelerated ascension and major shifts on all levels. You’re always creating your reality, but when the Gate is open, everything moves faster and with intensified energy. Bottom line is that using the Gateway will multiply your efforts and keep them burning until full fruition.

The energies of this period forces opportunities for dramatic new changes and beginnings.  This moment is ripe for an uncomfortable BUT a necessary acceleration of our spiritual growth. This portal is sweeping all of humanity into our next phase, where the apex is centered on unconditional LOVE. Of course, any birthing process is painful and exhilarating in equal measure. This one marks a graduation from “now” and into “a new now.” We will be pushed to “let go” of whatever isn’t serving our highest and best evolution, whether that’s toxic relationships, outdated ways of thinking, or the habit to downgrade our true purpose.

Increased waves of light and codes of awakened consciousness are streaming onto the planet now, through the Sun and directly from Spirit. The current weeks are a highly charged and emotional time for starseeds, lightworkers, and empaths, who are extremely sensitive to energetic shifts. We are being beamed by high-frequency electromagnetic waves that we are not used to experiencing. We are in a time of heightened awareness and massive ascension. Be prepared for breakthroughs, and for the sudden breakdown of what is preventing you from expressing your fullest potential. Our Solar Plexus, Heart, and Third Eye are the Chakras that are likely to be stimulated most powerfully by this energy. The Lion’s Gate portal on August 8th is urging us to remember who we truly are and inspiring us to have faith in ourselves, to embrace transformation and change without fear.

This increased light, and accelerated ascension energy is causing huge life altering changes to unfold in one way or another for just about everyone now.  Big things like relationships, career changes, life purpose, health, home, travel, soul work, letting go of material things (and a few other themes too) are highlighted now… Everything is up for review now, the big question being does it serve your Authentic Truth? Is it in alignment with love and with your soul growth and ascension? … Don’t be surprised if something or everything in your life seems to be in flux now. Ultimately, these changes we’re each going through in our own unique way serve to align us more fully with our authentic truth, and with the next level of love and light that we can experience in our lives.

It is said that Only people grounded in the Now can be conscious of this portal and be able to enter it. “In the now” means in the moment which comes with being aware. Awareness is the key.

So, dear ones, this will not be an easy time for you as the chaos and storms around you continue to fuel the fires of transformation and change.  But know that as your Soul becomes more of who you are and is expressed as who you are, you will more confident of your path forward and of your ability to create what you desire. Always remember your true self, of who you are and what you came to Earth to create and experience as a Soul and a being of infinite light and energy.  Never forget how blessed you are to hold this awareness and consciousness, while so many live in confusion and struggle with only the fearful ego to guide them.

Whatever literal and emotional storms may rage around you, hold your inner peace and stay grounded., meaning, whatever happens in the drama of life “outside” of you, be assured that within you is the place of peace and safety and abundance and love.  Do not give your power to dramas of fear and lack, but focus simply on your passion and what you want to create and experience on Earth as a Divine Blessing.

This will also be a time when you will need to care for your Body.  It is now the Sacred Temple of your Soul, and it will take a while for the body to adjust to the higher frequencies and awareness that come with being infused with soul perceptions and feelings.  The body may feel exhausted as it has to run these intense frequencies and deal with intense experiences that are far more powerful than anything that the old ego mind could create.  The key here is always surrender.  Relax and allow soul and higher self to be your support, and to create the miracles that will take you forward into new levels of love, experience and joy when your body accepts and acclimates to these intense and powerful flows of energy from the soul. Be awake, be aware and be empowered.

Meditate, stay in awareness, not just today. Today is the peak but the effects will continue for few more day.

Please note that this article has been actually gathered from various multiples sources on the internet, so as to only take selective important points and present details of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Since the sources are numerous, i was unable to list them all here, because somewhere a chunk was taken and somewhere just a line. My deepest heartfelt sincere gratitude and divine love and light to them all.. Of all, i have constructed it all with what resonates with me and my understanding and learning as of now. Thank you.

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