As the earth is increasing it’s vibrations to ascend to a higher dimension, there are simultaneous darker forces create much havoc, unrest, disease, turmoil, and other negative influences. Humanity and all living beings are being affected in some or the other way during this transition period.

External factors and living and social conditions do affect our physical, mental and emotional health. At the same time what is much unknown is that our own condition of mind and body affects everything around us. Man has the power to create what he wants within his own self and that is what he has been doing till date, most of the time unconsciously creating his life with the power of his thoughts.  What is you today is nothing but a manifestation of your own bundle of thoughts and emotions. What we see around is nothing a collective manifestation of the collective bundle of thoughts and emotions. We create ourselves. We create the world. Time to (re) create the new world that we desire to see. But it can never begin with an attempt to change things outside us, no matter how advanced we become. To change everything around us, the change must first begin within. When more of such changed individuals come together and focus on one common goal for the self and others, that collective thought becomes collective prayer and that collective prayer becomes more powerful to manifest the collective thought or prayer. Let us heal humanity by first healing ourselves. Let us begin with us. Let us introspect ourselves. Let us re-frame our thoughts. Let us create the new world by creating the new ME.

A video attempted on similar line of thought.

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