Events & Webinar

Life-transformative online webinars and courses that helps one to live in awareness, thus not being caught up by the lives and catches of the mind and the world, leading to peace, contentment, happiness and freedom.

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Retreats are organised in highly energetic and divine places for alignment. One witnesses quantum leaps of consciousness. Retreats are power-packed and one returns cleaner, lighter, happier, free, refreshed and rejuvenated.

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Life-transformative online webinars and courses that helps one to live in awareness, thus not being caught up by the lives and catches of the mind and the world, leading to peace, contentment, happiness and freedom.

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About Us

Shifting Into Awareness, as the name reveals, is
a platform that helps seekers of truth to make the shift from ignorance to wisdom, from darkness to light, from bondage to freedom, from falseness to truth. It helps fully shift our existence from the mind ego to the Self (soul consciousness). It’s only when one lives in awareness that one can remain unentangled with the (highs and lows) dramas of life. It leads to the state of Jeevanamukta (liberated while in the body).

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