In one of my journey towards Bhagwan Nityananda Ashram in Kerala, i came across an ashram that was of the disciple of Bhagwan who had already taken samadhi, but it was such a powerful place. I was awed to meet enlightened souls there including the current caretaker of that ashram, who shook me as he spoke couple of truths into my soul. Was very deeply moved and wanted to share this place on my website but they requested not to. i was taken aback and told them of the immense benefits it would do to people who could come there, but his answer was straight and peaceful with a smile, “It is not really required, for all those who come here come not by advertisement. Those who have to come here will come.” I had no further words. This journey of mine had been a little long having previously met an Avdhut in Karnataka, living in just a loin cloth with no body consciousness. He was also not very public friendly and thus the people serving him did not allow photos or recordings. From there, my travel brought me to this hidden ashram in the jungles of Karnataka and Kerala and then i came straight to Nityananda Ashram in Kerala but could not contain myself. Deeply moved, i shot this video in which i try to share whatever i can and also give a glimpse of the beautiful Ntiyananda Samadhi Temple in Kanhangad, Kerala and the peaceful vibes that you would feel too from this place. This is the place where once the great Master Bhagwan Nityananda lived and performed hundreds of miracles for the benefit of the people. Just below this temple is the 43 caves that Bhagwan had built back then in the mid-90s with a very special purpose. You may read more on my blog of all my travels here, for i have been visiting this place for more than ten years now and have been here dozens of times, but each time share it on my blog with the fellow travellers on the path.

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