Suddenly some thoughts flew rapidly in my mind.. this time caught it right away by starting to type it out right away….. and found it to be the right article for one of my old blog which didn’t receive attention for close to a year now Thoughts on ADVAIT ..Continue Reading

Note: All views are entirely the personal views of the author and this article is shared with the only intention that it inspire true seekers and help those who visit such places. This article, being about Holy Siddhas, i am incompetent to talk about anything from those heights but myContinue Reading

Just two days before leaving for the planned Shirdi trip, i casually mentioned to Vijayanand Swami at his ashramthat i would be going to Shirdi. He immediately asked me to meet Janglidas Maharaj, whose ashram is only 3 km ahead of Shirdi. Saying so, he called up the ashram toContinue Reading

Kanhangad was a 3-day visit filled with regular activities. This time we had 21 people. Some came for one day and some for two days and some remained with us throughout the 3 days. Nityananda Samadhi Temple, Kanhangad Since the next day, all had planned to go Quilandy and Thallashery,Continue Reading