This was in Ganeshpuri, where we had walked quite a distance crossing the Tansa river and entered a small Ashram, where we found this cow. While patting him his kept his chin on the elevation and rested. I must mention that this breed (Gyr Gai) are very receptive to humanContinue Reading

Heard of silver lining in the cloud? What about rainbow in the storm? This post is actually a reply to one person who sent me an internal Facebook message suggesting the overwhelming external situations going on in her life, most of which does not seem to have a solution atContinue Reading

Replying to the question received from a seeker on Facebook.An important question in the practice of Awareness. First of all, becoming aware of a trait within oneself is the first step in a successful Shadow Work. What is Shadow Work?Shadow work is working on one’s deeper darker aspects. We haveContinue Reading

August 8th (08/08) is the day that has been considered a date of great spiritual significance for thousands of years. On this year, every year, a cosmic alignment happens when the Sun comes in alignment with the spiritual star Sirius.  The star Sirius is the second brightest star in theContinue Reading

What is this earth frequency? The earth has an electromagnetic field which is measured in terms of frequency in the units of Hertz. Back in the 1950s,  a German physicist named W. O. Schumann found that these measurable electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere between the surface of the earth andContinue Reading

“Na Jyotse Aag Lagao                            Light not fire into each otherNa Phoonk se Jyot Bujhao                  Blow out not the light of othersPar Jytose Jyot Jagao…                        But light other lamps with your light… All this in the Play of Consciousness. Doesn’t make sense? Read on…. No doubt that there are enoughContinue Reading