Am up late today. Saw my inboxes now and replying to one grieving soul, I wished to share a little about it, just to keep ourselves updated about the awareness about life and death. The reply to the message is below: Death is inevitable and there are many many reasonsContinue Reading

This is when you think, act, feel, do anything rooted in your false “I”, that is,individuality of your name, tittle, position, designation, religion, tradition, caste, colour, power, and what you project to be in this world. Shifting into awareness you shift into the real “I” and become aware of thisContinue Reading

What actually is manipulation?The attempts made to obstruct anything that is naturally happening or flowing because we want everything around according to our will and our deep desires. The whole unrest in the world is due to this one desire. The desire to control everything. Manipulation comes from the desireContinue Reading

Once, as i was walking down a street in New Delhi, I passed by two little ones. When i looked at them, it was as though life reminded me something precious through them. They were sitting there, but there was peace on their little bright faces. They were not thinkingContinue Reading