The whole webinar is a deeply meditative webinar that can work powerfully on all levels of consciousness, from body, to prana, to mind, to intellect, to ego – provided you do it without disturbance and with deep involvement. Extremely good for those who are stuck with the world and the challenges of life and find it hard to move ahead on the spiritual journey.
MOVING AHEAD in the journey
☆ Been years with the feeling of stuckness?
☆ Unable to move ahead in life due to baggages?
☆ Heavy feelings clouding mind & life?
☆ Unresolved issues in life?
☆ Stuck with things that don’t serve you anymore?
☆ Cleanse your inner and outer space
☆ Cut out attached psychic chords
☆ Attune to higher frequencies
There are ways to purge and release blockages from heavy baggage. Learn how to offload it and make your journey light and easy. Give life new perspective so that you can atleast now relished the rest of your life journey.
In this course, we:
● Deep inner and outer purification
● Identifying which level of consciousness to work from
● Deep Healing
● Release old baggage
● Cut all unwanted draining chords from unwanted people, places and things, and plug to Source
● Activate and Live in the protective shield of Bhairava
● Karmic completions to this and past lifetime connections
● Purify inner & outer space
● Learn to increase self-worth and self-love, so as to not chase for it in the world.
Follow up session, if done, continuously after the main webinar will prove very powerful.